Tereza Novak je univerzitetna diplomirana filozofinja z dolgoletno kariero v nevladnem sektorju. Bila je izvršna direktorica Slovenske filantropije, organizacije, ki letos praznuje trideseto obletnico obstoja in med drugim deluje na področju skrbi za migrante, begunce in prosilce za azil ter njihovo socialno vključevanje. Leta 2022 je bila prvič izvoljena za poslanko Državnega zbora RS. Je članica odbora za zdravstvo, odbora za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, komisije za peticije in človekov pravice ter predsednica odbora za notranje zadeve in javno upravo.

Tereza Novak is a university graduate in philosophy with a long career in the non-governmental sector. She was the executive director of Slovenian Philanthropy, an organization that celebrates its thirtieth anniversary this year and works, among other things, in the field of care for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and their social inclusion. In 2022, she was elected as a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia for the first time. She is a member of the committee on health, the committee on labour, family and social affairs, the commission on petitions and human rights, and the president of the committee on internal affairs and public administration.