Peter J. Verovšek je predavatelj (docent) za politiko/mednarodne odnose. Študiral je politične vede in nemščino kot dodiplomski študent na Dartmouth College, nato je raziskoval stalne učinke spominov na drugo svetovno vojno v politiki nekdanje Jugoslavije kot Fulbrightov štipendist. Magistriral in doktoriral je iz političnih ved na Univerzi Yale. Po končanem doktoratu je tri leta preživel kot predavatelj družbenih študij na Univerzi Harvard, kjer je bil tudi soustanovitelj in sopredsednik študijske skupine Evropske unije pri Centru za evropske študije Minda de Gunzburg. Bil je tudi raziskovalec na Inštitutu za napredne humanistične študije v Bad Homburgu v Nemčiji, v fundaciji Jean Monnet v švicarski Lausanni in v grozdu odličnosti Normative Orders na Univerzi Goethe v Frankfurtu na Majni, Nemčija. Ukvarja se z razmerjem med demokracijo, kapitalizmom in nacionalno državo. 

Peter J. Verovšek is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Politics/International relations. He studied Government and German as a undergraduate at Dartmouth College. He then conducted research on the continuing effects of the memories of World War II in the politics of the former Yugoslavia as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar, before receiving his MA (2008), MPhil (2010) and PhD (2013) in Political Science from Yale University. After completing his doctorate, he spent three years as Lecturer on Social Studies at Harvard University (2013-16), where he also served as co-founder and co-chair of the European Union Study Group at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies. He has also held appointments as a research fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities in Bad Homburg, Germany, at the Jean Monnet Foundation in Lausanne, Switzerland, and at the Normative Orders Cluster of Excellence at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. He is active in researching the relationship between democracy, capitalism and the nation-state.