Nataša Briški je univerzitetna diplomirana novinarka, magistrica politologije in voditeljica z več kot 25-letnimi izkušnjami dela v različnih medijih. Je soustanoviteljica in urednica medijske mreže Metina lista, sovoditeljica podkastov Metin čaj, LD;GD, Evropska četrt in Polar Exposure. V prejšnjem življenju voditeljica Športne scene, dopisnica 24ur iz Washingtona in poročevalka za slovensko edicijo BBC World Report. Je ambasadorka destinacije Kočevsko in članica mednarodne odprave The Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition 2018. Ne mara (g)rozin.
Nataša Briški is a journalism graduate with a master’s degree in political science. She is journalist and presenter with more than 25 years of experience working in various media. She is the co-founder and editor of the media network Metina lista, co-host of the podcasts Metin čaj, LD;GD, Evropska quarter and Polar Exposure. In her previous life, she was the presenter of the Sports Scene, a correspondent for 24 hours from Washington and a reporter for the Slovenian edition of the BBC World Report. She is an ambassador for the Kočevsko destination, a member of The Women’s Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition 2018. She doesn’t like raisins.