Matej Zwitter je po izobrazbi strojnik, ki ga je zaneslo v novinarske vode. Začel je na Radiu Študent, kjer je sodeloval pri pripravi oddaje o gospodarskih temah. Dve leti je bil urednik aktualnopolitične redakcije, dodatno se je izobraževal na tečajih v tujini. Fascinira ga gospodarstvo – od mikro malverzacij do makro pojavov. Leta 2018 je prejel nagrado Društva novinarjev Slovenije čuvaj/watchdog za mladega novinarja.
Matej Zwitter is a qualified engineer who strayed into the domain of journalism. He started his career at Radio Student where he contributed to the programme on the economy. He was the editor of the news desk on current politics for two years and pursued further education by attending courses abroad. He is fascinated by the economy – from micro fraudulences to the macro phenomena. In 2018, he was conferred the Debutant Watchdog Award by the Slovene Association of Journalists.