Jure Vetršek je je diplomiral na Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani. Magistriral je na interdisciplinarnem študiju varstva okolja na Univerzi v Ljubljani ter opravil M.Sc. na The school for renewable energy science na Islandiji. Je raziskovalec in projektni vodja na Inovacijsko-razvojnem inštitutu Univerze v Ljubljani, ki že več kot 15 let sodeluje pri projektih s področja učinkovite rabe in obnovljivih virov energije. Med drugim se ukvarja z energetsko učinkovitostjo, energetskim upravljanjem, energetsko prenovo in energetskimi informacijskimi sistemi. Jure je tudi predsednik društva za naravovarstvo in okoljevarstvo Eko krog.
Jure Vetršek graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana and received his master’s degree from the interdisciplinary study of environmental protection at the University of Ljubljana. He is a researcher and project manager at the Institute for Innovation and Development Institute of the University of Ljubljana, who has been involved in projects in the field of efficient use and renewable energy sources for more than 15 years. Among other things, he deals with energy efficiency, energy management, energy renovation and energy information systems. Jure is also the president of the association for nature conservation and environmental protection Eko krog.