Filip Dobranič je eden od soustanovilteljev inštituta Danes je nov dan, kjer je odgovoren za hekanje in <3. Po izobrazbi filozof in sociolog kulture na inštitut deluje kot de facto CTO, skrbi za programerke in programerje ter pomaga pri snovanju in implementaciji novih produktov in njihovih funkcionalnosti. Redno predava o temah na presečiščih tehnologije in družbe. Jeseni bo pričel z doktorskim študijem na področju digitalne humanistike.

Filip Dobranič is one of the co-founders of the institute Today is a new day, responsible for hacking and <3. A philosopher and sociologist of culture by training he currently serves as the de facto CTO of the institute. He manages programmers and co-designs new products and features, regularly speaking and lecturing on topics at the intersection of technology and social sciences. In September, he will begin his PhD studies in the field of digital humanities.