Dr. Barbara Rajgelj je docentka za pravne predmete na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v Ljubljani, kjer predava Temelje prava, Delovno in socialno pravo ter Gospodarsko pravo. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z antidiskriminacijskim pravom, industrijskimi odnosi, delovnimi razmerji, pravom socialne varnosti in družinskim pravom. Je soustanoviteljica kulturnega centra/lokala Pritličje, Zavoda za kulturo raznolikosti Open in Pravne mreže za varstvo demokracije.
Barbara Rajgelj is an Assistant Professor of Legal Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, where she teaches Labour and Social Security Law, Basics of Law and Business Law. Her main research interests are anti-discrimination law, industrial relations, employment relations, social security law and family law. She is the co-founder of bar and cultural cente Pritličje, the Institute for Culture of Diversity Open and the Legal network for the protection of democracy.