Nika Mahnič piše, teoretizira in pleše interdisciplinarno. Diplomirala je iz seks robotov oziroma kulturologije in antropologije na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani in magistrirala iz temne umetnosti velikega podatkovja na King’s College v Londonu.
Je soustanoviteljica inštituta Danes je nov dan in sokuratorica diskurzivnega dela Festivala Grounded. Kot štipendistka Arts and Humanities Research Council (LAHP) kmalu pričenja z doktorskim študijem politologije na londonski univerzi Queen Mary.
Nika Mahnič is an interdisciplinary researcher, writer and dancer. She wrote her BA thesis on sex robots at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, and obtained her MA in Big Data at King’s College, London.
She is a co-founder of Danes je nov dan / Today is a new day institute and co-curator of the discursive programme at Festival Grounded. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (LAHP), she will soon start her PhD studies in political science at Queen Mary University of London.