Sava (on_a) je ena od novejših mladih sil ljubljanskega kvir kolektiva Ustanova, sicer pa študent_ka in občasno aktivist_ka, ki večino časa preživi za knjigo. Reka Sava je po koncu zadnje ledene dobe, ko so ledeniki počasi izginili, začela odnašati svoje lastne naplavine, in s tem se na nekem metafizičnem nivoju identificira tudi sava. Njegove najljubša zvrsti ostajajo nedefinirane, se pa gibajo nad 140 bpm in vključujejo divje remikse starih pop komadov.

Sava is one of the new young forces of Ljubljana’s queer collective Ustanova. They are primarily a student, and occasionally an activist, spending most of their time with a book. At the end of the last ice age, when the glaciers slowly disappeared, the Sava River began to carry away its own sediments, and our Sava also identifies with this on a metaphysical level. Their favourite genres remained unidentified, but they range above 140 bpm and include wild remixes of old pop songs