Yantan Ministry (DE) večinoma živi in dela v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Je eksperimentalen_a glasbenik_ca in DJ_ka, ki deluje med klubi, koncertnimi prizorišči, umetniškimi prostori in radijem.
Oktobra 2020 je izdal_a svojo debitantsko ploščo Radio Unnameable pri berlinski eksperimentalni založbi Yegorka. Druge izdaje vključujejo samozaložbo Attacco Mixtape leta 2018 in interpretativno skladbo Raw Red Redux pri švedski založbi Country Music leta 2019.
Yantan Ministry je SHAPE ARTISTS 2021, nastopa v sodelovanju s festivalom SONICA.
Yantan Ministry (DE) mostly lives and works in Berlin, Germany. They are an experimental musician and DJ working between clubs, live venues, art spaces and radio.
In October 2020 they released their debut record, Radio Unnameable, on Berlin based experimental label Yegorka. Other releases include the self-released Attacco Mixtape in 2018, and an interpretative piece, Raw Red Redux, on Swedish label Country Music in 2019.
Yantan Ministry is in the roster of SHAPE ARTISTS for 2021, performs in collaboration with the SONICA festival.