Veronika Valdés (SI), samozaposlena v kulturi, se s plesom intenzivno ukvarja že več kot 15 let. Najprej je končala oddelek za sodobni ples na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana pod mentorskim vodstvom svoje matere Jane Kovač Valdés, nato pa svoje znanje in sposobnosti nadgradila na Umetniški gimnaziji, smer – sodobni ples. Leta 2011 je maturirala in študij nadaljevala na Akademiji za ples Ljubljana. Kot mlada perspektivna koreografinja in plesalka ima za sabo več avtorskih projektov. V letu 2021 je koreografinja v nastajajoči predstavi Zimska poroka v režiji Matjaža Zupančiča. Za svoje ustvarjanje je prejela več priznanj in nagrad.

Redno se udeležuje izobraževanj na področju plesa in kot plesna pedagoginja poučuje na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet in v plesnem studiu Intakt. Od leta 2013 se ukvarja tudi z avtorsko glasbo, s katero se je med drugim predstavila v plesnem filmu ”Rdeča fontana” in na letnih produkcijah oddelka za sodobni ples na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet Ljubljana. Tokrat v sodelovanju z dvojcem Warrego Valles.

Veronika Valdés (SI) has been intensively involved in dance for more than 15 years. She first graduated from the Department of Contemporary Dance at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet under the mentorship of her mother Jane Kovač Valdés, and then upgraded her knowledge and skills at the Art Gymnasium in the field of contemporary dance. In 2011 she graduated and continued her studies at the Ljubljana Dance Academy. As a young promising choreographer and dancer, she has several authorial projects behind her. In 2021, she is a choreographer in the upcoming play Winter Wedding, directed by Matjaž Zupančič. She has received several recognitions and awards for her work.

She regularly attends trainings in the field of dance and teaches as a dance pedagogue at the Conservatory of Music and Ballet and at the Intakt dance studio. Since 2013, she has also been involved in original music, with which she presented herself in the dance film “Red Fountain” and in the annual productions of the Department of Contemporary Dance at the Ljubljana Conservatory of Music and Ballet. This time in collaboration with the duo Warrego Valles.