Nomark (SLO), zasanjani glasbeni umetnik, ki je večino svojega otroštva preživel na internetu in večino svojih prijateljev spoznal preko spletnih klepetalnic. Z glasbeno produkcijo, ki mu je omogočila realizacijo lastnih idej in ustvarjanja avtorske glasbe, se je srečal ob koncu srednje šole. Večino ispiracij jemlje iz spletnih memov (ustvarja jih pod @ja_sam_sm_pozabu) odraščanja na spletu, ljubezni, evforije in minljivosti.

Nomark je ustvaril mednarodno internetno skupnost aseben (vzvratni zapis besede nebesa), ki ima pripadnike iz Slovenije, Bosne, Srbije in Hrvaške. Aseben ne deluje le kot glasbeni kolektiv, temveč tudi kot skupnost poslušalcev, oboževalcev, igričarjev …, ki je iz dneva v dan večja (na platformi Discord ima že več kot 1000 članov) in YouTube kanalu, kjer objavljajo glasbo aktivnih članov skupnosti.

Nomark je sodeloval s Capoxxojem in je skupaj z okniinom del kolektiva Swag Crew.

Nomark (SLO), a dreamy musician who spent most of his childhood on the Internet and met most of his friends through online chat rooms. He met music production at the end of high school, which enabled him to realize his own ideas and create original sound.

He takes most of his inspirations from online memes (which he creates as @ja_sam_sm_pozabu), growing up online, love, euphoria and transience.
Nomark created the international internet community aseben (the reverse of the word heaven), whose members are from Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia. Aseben works not only as a music collective, but also as a community of listeners, fans, gamers … which is growing day by day (already more than 1000 members on the Discord platform) and a YouTube channel where they publish the music of active community members.

Nomark has collaborated with Capoxxo and is part of the Swag Crew collective along with okniino.