Liara T’soni (Farah Sara Kurnik, 2000) je ljubljanska vizualna umetnica, ki ustvarja na področju grafičnega oblikovanja in videa. Trenutno študira na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti, smer grafična in medijska tehnika. Oblikovala je že mnogo grafičnih podob aktualnih tako slovenskih, kot tudi tujih glasbenikov, glasbenih dogodkov in razstav, znotraj katerih prevzame tudi vlogo VJ-ke. Med drugim jo zanima eksperimentiranje z medijem digitalnega kolaža, v katerem gradi razne artefakte spekulativne realnosti. Njeni interesi pa se razširjajo tudi na področja industrijskega oblikovanja in novih tehnologij, ki brišejo meje med umetnim in organskim ter uplivajo na pojmovanje človeškega.

Liara T’soni (Farah Sara Kurnik, 2000) is a visual artist from Ljubljana who works in the field of graphic design and video. She is currently studying at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, majoring in graphic and media engineering. She has created many graphic images of current Slovenian and foreign musicians, music events and exhibitions, within which she also takes on the role of VJ. Among other things, she is interested in experimenting with the medium of digital collage, in which she builds various artifacts of speculative reality. Her interests also extend to the fields of industrial design and new technologies, which blur the boundaries between the artificial and the organic and influence the notion of the human.