Katcha & Balana (SLO)
V Katchinih energičnih plesnih setih se eklektično znajdejo beati sodobnih bass žanrov, južnoameriškega temperamenta, afriških trendsetterjev in nostalgičnih popevk zgodnjih 00ih. Članico kolektiva Ustanova ste lahko ujeli predvsem v Monoklu in Pritličju, pa v Channel Zero, Gromki in Gali Hali, sodelovala pa je tudi s srednjeameriškima kolektivoma Nott in Ghetto Witchez.
DJ Balana (SLO) naenkrat gleda naprej in nazaj in se ne jemlje preveč resno. V eni minuti smo navdušeni nad zanimivimi, sodobnimi klubskimi utripi, v naslednji pa si napolnimo srce z nostalgičnimi uspešnicami. Njeni kompleti so nepredvidljiva fuzija progresivnega klubskega, elektronskega, latino ritmov in nalezljivega humorja.
Katcha & Balana (SLO)
Katcha’s energetic dance sets eclectically merge bets of contemporary bass genres, south american temperament, african trendsetters and 00s nostalgia. A member of Ustanova collective, she regularly plays at club Monokel and Pritličje. In the past, she has collaborated with Latin American collectives NOTT and Ghetto Witches.
An emerging DJ Balana (SLO) is looking forwards and backwards at once and not taking herself too seriously. One minute we are compelled with intriguing, contemporary club beats and the next we are filling our hearts with nostalgic hits. Her sets are an unpredictable fusion of progressive club, electronica, latin rhythms and contagious humor.