DJ YTP (IT) (they/them) je glasbena inkarnacija Xenije iz Verone v Italiji. Glasbo, ki jo ustvarja, bi lahko opisali kot “Hardcore Eleganza Extravaganza” – spominja na pozna 90. leta, na glasbo, ki nastaja z vplivi rejva, glasbo, ki je je poslušal_a in se ob njej zabaval_a – npr. evrodance, Lento Violento in veseli hardcore, vse do tribe techna in drugih vznemirljivih slogov visokih BPM stilov.
Ta širok spekter navdihov se zruši v goste kompozicije razčlenjenega industrijskega hardcora in breakcorea, pridobljenega z algoritmično, moteno demontažo več zvočnih virov, kot so anime, filmi in videoigre, v obliki ostrih ritmičnih izpadov. Umetniški proces DJ YTP je v vsej meri podoben tistemu, ki je v ozadju ustvarjanja videoposnetkov Youtube poop videov, v katerem je glasno skrnavljenje in konceptualno uničenje mišljeno kot končna, katarzična osvoboditev.
(Tekst: Andrea in Cristina, Paynomindtous)
DJ YTP (IT) (they/them) is a music incarnation of Xenia from Verona, Italy.
Their music, which could be aptly described as ‘Hardcore Eleganza Extravaganza’, reminisces of the late 90s, rave-influenced music they used to listen and party to – such as eurodance, Lento Violento, and happy hardcore, all the way to tribe techno and other exciting high-bpm styles.
This broad range of inspirations collapse into dense compositions of dissected industrial hardcore and breakcore, obtained via an algorithmic, deranged dismantling of multiple audio sources such as anime, movie, and videogame samples in the form of harsh rhythmic outbreaks. DJ YTP’s artistic process is to all extent similar to the one behind the creation of YouTube poop videos, in which loud desecration and conceptual destruction are meant as ultimate, cathartic liberation.
(Words by Andrea and Cristina, Paynomindtous)